JMSA Hosts an Enjoyable Wine and Cheese Party

JMSA hosted an enjoyable wine and cheese party at the office of Dr. Kichiemon Asoma and Dr. Naomi Hayashi on Friday March 14th. 

The gathering brought together JMSA board members, JMSA members and friends. For some of the guests, it was their first JMSA event and a few of these guests expressed interest to join JMSA. The Italian cheese platters were lovingly prepared by the JMSA Social Chair and long time board member, Lydia Horiguchi and our Executive Secretary, Mr. Yoshio Kano welcomed the guests as they entered the event.

JMSA’s 2025 health initiative is mental health. At the wine and cheese, a goal was to raise funds to donate to the Hamilton Madison House-Japanese Clinic. The Japanese clinic provides vital mental healthcare for those with serious mental health issues. Aside from those with commercial insurance and medicare, the clinic provides care for Japanese and Japanese-American patients with medicaid as well those without insurance via sliding scale. JMSA was very fortunate that President Wynne Kim, Executive Director Isabel Ching, therapists Fumi Raith and Kumiko Takeshima Asiedu attended the event and talked about the mental health services that the Japanese Clinic provides for their clients. 

We are continuing to raise funds for the Hamilton Madison House through the end of March so please donate! 

Even a small amount will make a big difference for the Japanese Clinic.

Hope to see you at the next JMSA Wine and Cheese Event. A big thanks to Dr. Asoma, Dr. Hayashi for allowing us to use their beautiful office and to their office staff for their help! We could not do it without them.

Here is the url and the QR code for donation: SCROLL Down to find Hamilton Madison House Japanese Clinic:

Donate to Japanese Medical Society of America