Category: Student News

Special lectures hosted by the Division of Postgraduate Education & Training at the National Center for Child Health and Development (国立成育医療研究センター). Featuring Dr. Michael Boeckh and Dr. Janet Englund, two globally renowned experts in infectious diseases.

Shared to the JMSA community by Dr. Yusuke Matsuura, JMSA 2024 Scholarship Recipient The Japanese Medical Society of America (JMSA) is pleased to support the upcoming special lectures hosted by the Division of Postgraduate Education & Training at the National…

From Non-PhD Postdoc to Physician-Scientist: My Journey in the US (後編)

From Non-PhD Postdoc to Physician-Scientist: My Journey in the US (後編) Itsuki Osawa, MD (2024年度 Mitsui USA-JMSA Scholarship Awardee) ABSTRACT I am Itsuki Osawa, MD, a Postdoctoral Research Scientist under the mentorship of Dr. Yuichi Shimada at the Division of Cardiology,…

From Non-PhD Postdoc to Physician-Scientist: My Journey in the US

From Non-PhD Postdoc to Physician-Scientist: My Journey in the US (前編) Itsuki Osawa, MD (2024年度 Mitsui USA-JMSA Scholarship Awardee) Introduction I am Itsuki Osawa, MD, a Postdoctoral Research Scientist under the mentorship of Dr. Yuichi Shimada at the Division of Cardiology,…

JMSA Mentorship: Kanazawa Medical University student Mirai Omote with Dr. Satoko Kanahara

In 2022, JMSA student representatives created a mentorship program to connect predmedical students, medical students, and residents of Japanese and Japanese-American backgrounds with JMSA physicians from various specialties. If you are interested in becoming a mentor or mentee, pelase email…