JMSA Project Report 6 Lisa Akiyama (Medical Student, Oakland University: William Beaumont School of Medicine, Rochester, MI) Project: To educate Japanese women about cervical cancer screening. Download the pdf here
Category: Student News
JMSA Physician Maps
JMSA Project Report 5 Noah Berland (Medical Student, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY) Project: To Create JMSA Physician Maps on Google Maps Please see Noah's work here
Studying the Health Effects of Radiation, Evacuation, Diet, and Stress
JMSA Project Report 4 Dan Ebner (Medical Student, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI) Project: Studying the health effects of radiation, evacuation, diet, and stress in Kawauchi Village, within the exclusion zone of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. …
2014 JMSA Scholarship Recipients
2014 JMSA Scholarship Recipients Honjo-JMSA Scholarship Alisa Prager (Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons) Project: Organize Nishimiya fellowship to send 1-2 students to Fukushima/To start a shadowing program for students within JMSA Kenji Fujitani (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount…
The Nishimiya Fellows Program
The Nishimiya Fellows Program is a week-long seminar held at Fukushima Medical University (FMU) that introduces students to the topics of disaster medicine and gives them an opportunity to learn more about the long-lasting effects of the earthquake and tsunami that devastated…
Fukushima Global Health Research Trip
2013 Project Midterm Report 3 Kenji Fujitani (MS1, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) Project: One of my projects was to plan a global health program to visit Fukushima during the summer to study the effects of the nuclear…
CJR Nishimiya Fellows Program
2013 Project Year End Report Alisa Prager (MS2, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons) Project: To expand the CJR Nishimiya Fellows program to provide opportunities for more medical students to go to Fukushima. Contact: Project Summary and Update…
A Guide to Healthcare Professions
2013 Project Midterm Report 2 Chihiro Shinohara (Physician’s Assistant student, Pace University) Project: To introduce PA’s to the Japanese Community and to create a student committee to provide support for Japanese high school and college students who seek to work…
Creating a JMSA Facebook Page
2013 Project Midterm Report 1 Ken Stern (MS3, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine) Project: To create a JMSA facebook page to help build the community by helping to connect members. Contact: Proposal Summary: My proposal involves creating a…
Reproductive Health Survey
ATTENTION ALL PHYSICIANS WHO GRADUATED FROM MEDICAL SCHOOL IN JAPAN: The JMSA invites you to participate in a research project conducted by two JMSA members-in-training. Please read on for more information: We are studying the knowledge, feelings, and preferences of…