Applications for the Japanese Physicians Association of America Scholarship are now open. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Japanese Medical Association of America grants scholarships each year to support the education and training of students in the medical…
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2021 Scholarship Announcement
Thanks to our generous donors, we were able to give 14 scholarship awards to our healthcare professionals in training this year. Below are the awardees of the JMSA scholarship 2021, along with their proposed scholarship projects. Congratulations to this year’s…
9/11-3/11 outreach on 10th anniversary of 3/11 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami
Greetings Friends at Nagomi Mental Health Care and Reconstruction Housing Residents of Minami Soma, Fukushima In the attached video we are speaking to you from our separate homes in the New York area, but we wanted to come together to let you…
開催日時:2021年2月25日(木)7pm〜8pm EST コロナウイルスの診療やワクチン接種に従事される感染症専門医の兒子先生と米国日本人医師会長の柳澤先生が、 1. mRNAワクチンて何?2. 急いで開発されたのに安全なの?3. 副作用で死んだ人もいる?4. ワクチンでコロナにかからないの?5. 誰の為にワクチンて受けるの? などの疑問に応えながら、新型コロナウイルスワクチンの真相に迫ります。皆様、どうぞお誘いあわせの上ご参加下さい。 【ゲスト講師】兒子 真之 医師 Dr. Masayuki Nigo, MDテキサス州立大学ヒューストン校 感染症科Assistant professor) 柳澤 貴裕 医師 Dr. Robert Yanagisawa, MD(マウントサイナイ内分泌内科教授、米国日本人医師会長) 【参加費】無 料(任意で医療従事者へのお弁当プロジェクトへ寄付) ※ウェビナーは日本語で進行されますが、WordlyのリアルタイムAI翻訳により、英語字幕でご覧いただけます。The event will be held in Japanese, but The Nippon Club will…
Requesting applications for New York Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Scholarship 2019
Dear JMSA Member and Friend: The New York Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Society, Inc. (HNMS) is requesting applications for the 2019 scholarship. The scholarship is designed to support young life scientists from Japan who are pursuing a research career in the…
Interview with Dr. Maki Kano
Dr. Maki Kano is the current JMSA Vice President and a Pediatrician and Internist who practices in Westchester, NY. She sat down for an interview with Riku Moriguchi, a fourth year medical student at Albert Einstein, to discuss her career as a Japanese-speaking physician in the US. Below is the transcript of the interview, where she speaks about her upbringing, her current practice, both the joys and challenges of being a working mother, and her experiences in JMSA.