日本クラブ/米国日本人医師会共催 COVID-19対策ヘルスセミナー「新型コロナウイルスワクチンの真相」


1.  mRNAワクチンて何?
2. 急いで開発されたのに安全なの?
3. 副作用で死んだ人もいる?
4. ワクチンでコロナにかからないの?
5. 誰の為にワクチンて受けるの?


第4回JMSAキャリアサポートセミナー ~MDリサーチャーの米国でのキャリアパス形成~「米国におけるPhysician-Scientistへの道」

コロンビア大学で臨床・研究の両面でご活躍されている島田悠一先生をお招きし、MDリサーチャーの米国医師免許の取得と臨床研修、指導医の日常、MPH(公衆衛生学修士号)とNIH R01グラントの獲得、の二部構成でお話しいただきます。


日本クラブ/米国日本人医師会共催 オンラインCOVID-19対策ヘルスセミナー「新型コロナウイルスワクチンの真相 第2弾」

コロナウイルスの診療やワクチン接種に従事される感染症専門医の兒子先生と、米国日本人医師会長の柳澤先生が、 1. ファイザー、モデルナ、J&J等、それぞれのワクチンの有効性2. ワクチンの持続性と変異株との関係3. ブースターの必要性と適応について4. ちがう製造元のワクチンの『ミックス&マッチ』 などの疑問に質疑応答形式で応えながら、新型コロナウイルスワクチンの真相に迫ります。ワクチンについての色々な情報が拡散している中で、先生方の信頼できる情報をバイアス無く得ることができ、また様々なワクチンを使っていて、コロナ感染も多い米国での情報を日本語で確実に聴ける事は、とても貴重な機会となります。 Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_v4ojUAv1SGmqHom7cUMWyw

Japanese Medical Society of America 49th Virtual Program

New York Athletic Club 180 Central Park South, New York, New York, 米国

JMSA: Moving Forward Through the Pandemic A Virtual Journey The Japanese Medical Society of America (JMSA) cordially invites you to attend our 49th Annual Virtual Program: Date:Friday December 10, 2021 7pm EST(December 11th 9am, Japan Time) Please kindly register online by December 3, 2021 EST.*You will be sent an online link for the program as we get closer to the event. Individual Registration Suggested donation Individuals: $200Medical Student/Fellow/Doctor-in-Training: $25 To register, please fill in the form below and follow the steps. Benefactor Registration If you are interested to be a Benefactor, please print out the filled out form below and mail check payable to Japanese Medical Society of America or […]

$100.00 – $700.00

50th Annual Dinner

New York Athletic Club 180 Central Park South, New York, New York, 米国

Dear JMSA Members and Friends:We are excited to announce the JMSA 50th Annual Dinner on Friday 9/9/22 at The New York Athletic Club.Online registration is now available. Register by 8/26/22. If you are interested to be a benefactor, you can sign up from tickets section below or download and fill a form below and mail it with a check. All members and guests MUST register online or sending an admission form to be admitted to the event. Looking forward to seeing you at our popular cocktail reception! Benefactor Registration by mail Platinum Benefactor: $10,000.00Gold Benefactor : $7,000.00Silver Benefactor: $4,000.00 *Please make your check payable to "Japanese Medical Society of America" […]

Free – $10,000.00

Navigating the US residency system as an International Medical Graduate

We proudly announce another JMSA international online event led by Dr. Charlotte Lee, a current cardiology fellow at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. The event will be hosted on June 4th 9 AM-11 AM JST (June 3rd 8 PM-10 PM EDT). This event aims to accomplish the following three objectives: Please use the QR code above or the following link to register for the event:https://forms.gle/XBECyBojn9owk4jq8

The JMSA 51st Annual Dinner

The Yale Club 50 Vanderbilt Ave, New York, NY, United States

Dear JMSA Members and Friends: We are excited to announce the JMSA 51st Annual Dinner on Saturday September16th at The Yale Club in NYC.Online registration is now available. Register by 9/11/2023. If you are interested to be an Annual Dinner Benefactor, please download the registration form below. Payment may be made with a check or online. We greatly appreciate your support of JMSA and our 51st Annual Dinner. All members and guests MUST register online or register by mail with theregistration form to be admitted to the event. Looking forward to seeing you at our 51st Annual Dinner. The 51st Annual Dinner Benefactor Categories: Benefits as an Annual Dinner Benefactor includes recognition in the […]

$100.00 – $800.00

52nd JMSA Annual Dinner: Connecting, Serving, and Moving Forward

The Metropolitan Club 1 East 60th Street, New York, New York, United States

Dear JMSA Members and Friends: We are excited to announce our 52nd Annual Dinner on Friday, September 13th at The Metropolitan Club in NYC. A cocktail reception and a live silent auction at 6pm will be followed by a seated dinner, Scholarship Award Ceremony, and live entertainment. Registration is now open online and by mail. Please register by August 25th.  For those interested in purchasing Benefactor Level tickets, please download the registration form to mail in with your check. For Individual Level tickets, payments may be made either by mail or online (below). All members and guests must be registered in order to be admitted to the event. We greatly […]

$100.00 – $1,000.00

Empowering Women in STEM: US and Japan Perspectives

Nippon Club Rose Room 2nd floor 145 W. 57th St.

In honor of international women’s month, the Consulate General of Japan in New York and JMSA will be cohosting a panel discussion on Empowering Women In STEM: U.S. and Japan Perspectives. Date: Tuesday March 25th 2025 Location: Nippon Club Rose Room. Please join us for this very special event. 
