Latest Past Events
JMSA Holiday Party 2019
The Columbus Citizens Foundation 8 E 69th St, New YorkDear JMSA Members and Friends:
We are excited to announce the JMSA Holiday Party on Friday 12/13/19 at the Columbus Citizens Foundation in NYC from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Online registration is now available. Register 12/6/19 for the early bird rate. After 12/6, all tickets will be 100 dollars.
JMSA New York Life Science Forum 2019
NYU Langone Medical Center - Farkas Auditorium 550 1st Avenue, New YorkNYC近郊にはトップレベルの研究・医療機関が揃い、300人以上の日本人研究者が働いています。この環境を、あなたの活動に活かしませんか?
5年目の節目となります今年は、『vision, fusion, translation』をテーマに、現在注目されている様々な医療・医科学の分野を牽引する医師、研究者による、垣根を越えた講演やパネルディスカッションを予定しております。
JMSA Holiday Party 2018
The Columbus Citizens Foundation 8 E 69th St, New YorkDear JMSA Members and Friends:
We are excited to announce the JMSA Holiday Party on Friday 12/14/18 at the Columbus Citizens Foundation in NYC from 6:30pm to 9pm.
Online registration is now available. Register your guests by 12/7/18 for the early bird rate.