JMSA together with the Nippon Club will be featuring a webinar on 6/2/22 to discuss how to optimize your medical and mental health now over 2 years into the Covid 19 pandemic. The panelists will include: Dr. Maki Kano-Lueckerath, internist and pediatrician, Dr. Takashi Matsuki, psychiatrist and Ms. Asako Miyashita, nutritionist. We hope you can join us for this very important webinar. 日本クラブ/米国日本人医師会(JMSA)共催 オンライン ヘルスセミナー2年に亘るパンデミック以降の心身の健康と維持 | The Nippon Club 日本クラブ/米国日本人医師会(JMSA)共催 オンライン ヘルスセミナー2年に亘るパンデミック以降の心身の健康と維持 | The Nippon … Online Health Seminar co-sponsored by The Nippon Club / Japanese Medical Society of America (JMSA)Maintaining physical and mental health since the start of the pandemic 2-years ago | The Nippon Club Online Health Seminar co-sponsored by The Nippon Club / Japanese Medical.. |