投稿者: Admin
Dr. Maki Kano is the current JMSA Vice President and a Pediatrician and Internist who practices in Westchester, NY. She sat down for an interview with Riku Moriguchi, a fourth year medical student at Albert Einstein, to discuss her career as a Japanese-speaking physician in the US. Below is the transcript of the interview, where she speaks about her upbringing, her current practice, both the joys and challenges of being a working mother, and her experiences in JMSA.
2019 JMSA 奨学金について
The JMSA is excited to announce that the…
Dr. Luis J. Fujimotoが米国歯科医師会のプレジデントに選出されました
Dr. Luis J. Fujimoto – Elected as …
Passing of Dr. Robert Newman
米国日本人医師会の皆様 大変残念ながら、名誉会員のDr. Robert G. N…
Join us at the JMSA Summer Party!
Date: Saturday, 8/25/18 Place: Shinbashi…
がんばろう東北 復興の折り鶴プロジェクト 第7回 NYから被災地へ復興の願いをこ…
2018 JMSA Scholarship Recipients
The JMSA honors students in the medical professions who demonstrate excellence and a commitment to the values of the Japanese Medical Society of America. Scholarship recipients are announced around April each year. Here are the recipients of the 2018 scholarships and their proposed projects.
Dear JMSA Member and Friend: On behalf o…
JMSAのウェブサイトがリニューアルされました! 新サイトは日本語、英語の両方で…