カテゴリー: イベント
Accepting applications for the New York Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Scholarship 2020: deadline August 1st 2020
Dear Applicants for the New York Hi…
New York Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Scholarship 2020
Dear Applicants for the New York Hi…
JMSA and Nippon Club co-host a webinar featuring JMSA doctors speaking about COVID-19
On 4/13, Board members from JMSA and the…
Posptoning our 48th JMSA Annual Spring Dinner
Dear JMSA member and friend:Due to the s…
Postponing Annual Dinner
Dear JMSA member and friend:Due to the c…
The 3rd New York Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Scholarship- 2020
Dear JMSA Member and Friend: The New Yor…
@K4 held a special benefit concert at the Kitano Hotel New York for JMSA 9/11- 3/11 Outreach Program
2019年11月23日 @K4のチャリティーコンサートがThe Kitano H…