Thanks to our generous donors, we were a…
カテゴリー: 奨学金
NYウッドローン墓地で野口英世94回忌に有志らが献花2021年5月21日 墓参会…
New York Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Scholarship 2021
Dear Applicants for the 4th New Yor…
米国日本人医師会奨学金の応募受付が始まりました。 米国日本人医師会では、ご寄付を…
2020年度JMSA 奨学金受賞者のお知らせ
Thanks to our generous donors, we were a…
2019年JMSA 奨学金受賞者のお知らせ
Nishioka – JMSA Scholarship Kriste…
Posptoning our 48th JMSA Annual Spring Dinner
Dear JMSA member and friend:Due to the s…
Postponing Annual Dinner
Dear JMSA member and friend:Due to the c…
米国日本人医師会奨学金の応募受付が始まりました! 米国日本人医師会では、ご寄付を…
Dr. Maki Kano is the current JMSA Vice President and a Pediatrician and Internist who practices in Westchester, NY. She sat down for an interview with Riku Moriguchi, a fourth year medical student at Albert Einstein, to discuss her career as a Japanese-speaking physician in the US. Below is the transcript of the interview, where she speaks about her upbringing, her current practice, both the joys and challenges of being a working mother, and her experiences in JMSA.