カテゴリー: 学生プロジェクト
JMSA学生代表、ウィスコンシン医科大学の永吉詠舞は西岡-JMSA ファウンデー…
Raymond Sekiguchi-JMSA Scholarship Recipient
[googleapps domain=”drive” d…
2021年度JMSA 奨学金受賞者のお知らせ
Thanks to our generous donors, we were a…
米国日本人医師会奨学金の応募受付が始まりました。 米国日本人医師会では、ご寄付を…
2020年度JMSA 奨学金受賞者のお知らせ
Thanks to our generous donors, we were a…
2019年JMSA 奨学金受賞者のお知らせ
Nishioka – JMSA Scholarship Kriste…
Postponing Annual Dinner
Dear JMSA member and friend:Due to the c…
Dr. Maki Kano is the current JMSA Vice President and a Pediatrician and Internist who practices in Westchester, NY. She sat down for an interview with Riku Moriguchi, a fourth year medical student at Albert Einstein, to discuss her career as a Japanese-speaking physician in the US. Below is the transcript of the interview, where she speaks about her upbringing, her current practice, both the joys and challenges of being a working mother, and her experiences in JMSA.